I signed up for the bluenose marathon 10k this week, race day is the 19th. I'm not ready for it and I don't expect to get great time out of it but I'm doing it anyway. if I'm close to my navy 10k timing of last year then I won't complain.
K bailed on me, she's not running the race. I understand why and I agree with her. I've found though, that running is the only physical activity that I like to have a workout buddy for. even though she runs better and faster than I do I like knowing she's nearby.
I took this past week off from weight training. I've been so caught up in training that I forgot about taking a week off every six weeks, no wonder I was a little burnt out.
I had a conversation with the boss on friday morning about fitness and running and taking a week off, blah blah blah.
somewhere in the conversation it became clear that I need to concentrate more on running and less on weight training right now. my cardio does suck.
I managed to go to the workout classes that work pays for but I took the week off from my own workouts.
my weight hasn't gone down this past week either. the number on the scale has moved but in the wrong direction.
gaining 4 lbs might have something to do with having taken the week off.......and inhaling an extra large bag of smoked ribs flavoured potato chips. those chip making people have a sense of humour. after I ripped the bag open I noticed they've now added a resealable tab to the bag. why would I need to reseal the bag? hmmm........silly chip company.
I watched a guy practice boxing at the gym this week, it was a hell of a workout. I remember my kick boxing lessons of last year, they were a good workout too. I'm thinking I should go back to it. soon. maybe kickboxing is to weight loss as the apple is to the doctor.
we shall see.
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