Wednesdays class was so much better. There was a whole lot of running and push up shit and plank stuff, the kind of class I can get into. It was more my pace too, and because I didn't spend the entire time trying to keep up with someone else it worked out better. I had stuff to do in the weight room after class and so come Thu morn I couldn't move.
I mean I knew I couldn't move before I was even awake. My neck was in a crick, the pillows had shifted and I was in too much pain to get myself out of it. Felt like road kill that wasn't quite dead yet.
Eventually I managed to get out of bed.
I walked like a penguin for two days and its only today that i can move normal again.
Thu was a great cardio day, I got a lot of the kinks out and then she cancelled Fri's class. I'd like to have her job. So Fri turned into another cardio day.
There's been a lot of new faces at the gym lately, some big muscle head I've never seen before and a lot of new Barbie's.
You don't usually see couples at the gym but one just started. She wears an underwear camisole with jogging pants. I cant figure out if she's waiting to see if this gym thing sticks before she invests in gym clothes or if she's stupid and really doesn't know the diff.
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